Rathmell 4 Column 810Mm Roberson Steel Grey

Rathmell 4 Column 810Mm Roberson Steel Grey

Rathmell 4 Column Cast Iron Radiator

Featuring cast iron feet which are seamlessly incorporated into the body of the radiator, along with a delicately shaped and curved inner arch, the Rathmell 4 Column represents the definitive cast iron radiator design - embodying stylistic flourishes which are truly timeless.

Available in 3 heights: 460mm, 665mm, 810mm

From £108.00 (£36.00 per section)

United Kingdom Flag Hand-built & finished in the UK from 10 working days
  • Specialist Finishes Available
  • Lifetime Guarantee
  • FREE UK Mainland Delivery*
  • Available In 3 Heights
  • Over 10,000 Colour Options

*On orders over £300.00

Rathmell 4 Column Line Drawing

* per cast iron radiator section.

460 150 300 110 180 63 201 59 107 31 4.2kg
665 150 498 112 170 63 289 85 150 44 5.7kg
810 150 640 115 180 62 350 102 180 53 7.35kg

To calculate the British Thermal Units (BTU's) required to heat your room please use our Heat Output (BTU) Calculator

Our radiators are available in any desired colour or finish. Our specialised artisan finishes are as follows:

  • Rathmell 4 Column 460Mm Hand Burnished End Hand Burnished
  • Rathmell 4 Column 460Mm Hand Burnished End Satin Polished

Other specialised Trads colours and finishes are shown below. Swatches are available for these 12 colours

  • Rathmell 4 Column 460Mm Ancient Breeze End Ancient Breeze
  • Rathmell 4 Column 460Mm Buttermilk End Buttermilk
  • Rathmell 4 Column 460Mm Foundry Grey End Foundry Grey
  • Rathmell 4 Column 460Mm French Grey End French Grey
  • Rathmell 4 Column 460Mm Graphite Grey End Graphite Grey
  • Rathmell 4 Column 460Mm Hammered Bronze End Hammered Bronze
  • Rathmell 4 Column 460Mm Hammered Gold End Hammered Gold
  • Rathmell 4 Column 460Mm Parchment White End Parchment White
  • Rathmell 4 Column 460Mm Primer End Primer
  • Rathmell 4 Column 460Mm Satin Black End Satin Black
  • Rathmell 4 Column 460Mm Vellum End Vellum
  • Rathmell 4 Column 460Mm Willow Green End Willow Green

Any other colour is available, for example all Farrow & Ball shades and all other recognised brands.

With our onsite paint and spray shop facilities, we can finish any radiator from a choice of over 10,000 colours and offer an expert colour matching service to attain even greater levels of customisation.

Please note that colours can vary from printed brochures and those shown on websites, we recommend a free colour swatch prior to purchase. Please contact us with your swatch request.

Rathmell 4 Column Cast Iron Radiator 800 01
Model No. Height Sections Width
(inc. bushes)
(from wall)
(ΔT 30°)
(ΔT 30°)
(ΔT 50°)
(ΔT 60°)
(ΔT 60°)
Empty Weight Filled Weight Price From
(in Primer)
Buy Radiator
TBK072/073 460mm 3 223mm 180mm 321 93 603 756 222 12.6kg 14.7kg £108.00
TBK072/073 460mm 4 286mm 180mm 428 124 804 1008 296 16.8kg 19.6kg £144.00
TBK072/073 460mm 5 349mm 180mm 535 155 1005 1260 370 21.0kg 24.5kg £180.00
TBK072/073 460mm 6 412mm 180mm 642 186 1206 1512 444 25.2kg 29.4kg £216.00
TBK072/073 460mm 7 475mm 180mm 749 217 1407 1764 518 29.4kg 34.3kg £252.00
TBK072/073 460mm 8 538mm 180mm 856 248 1608 2016 592 33.6kg 39.2kg £288.00
TBK072/073 460mm 9 601mm 180mm 963 279 1809 2268 666 37.8kg 44.1kg £324.00
TBK072/073 460mm 10 664mm 180mm 1070 310 2010 2520 740 42.0kg 49.0kg £360.00
TBK072/073 460mm 11 727mm 180mm 1177 341 2211 2772 814 46.2kg 53.9kg £396.00
TBK072/073 460mm 12 790mm 180mm 1284 372 2412 3024 888 50.4kg 58.8kg £432.00
TBK072/073 460mm 13 853mm 180mm 1391 403 2613 3276 962 54.6kg 63.7kg £468.00
TBK072/073 460mm 14 916mm 180mm 1498 434 2814 3528 1036 58.8kg 68.6kg £504.00
TBK072/073 460mm 15 979mm 180mm 1605 465 3015 3780 1110 63.0kg 73.5kg £540.00
TBK072/073 460mm 16 1042mm 180mm 1712 496 3216 4032 1184 67.2kg 78.4kg £576.00
TBK072/073 460mm 17 1105mm 180mm 1819 527 3417 4284 1258 71.4kg 83.3kg £612.00
TBK072/073 460mm 18 1168mm 180mm 1926 558 3618 4536 1332 75.6kg 88.2kg £648.00
TBK072/073 460mm 19 1231mm 180mm 2033 589 3819 4788 1406 79.8kg 93.1kg £684.00
TBK072/073 460mm 20 1294mm 180mm 2140 620 4020 5040 1480 84.0kg 98.0kg £720.00
TBK072/073 460mm 21 1357mm 180mm 2247 651 4221 5292 1554 88.2kg 102.9kg £756.00
TBK072/073 460mm 22 1420mm 180mm 2354 682 4422 5544 1628 92.4kg 107.8kg £792.00
TBK072/073 460mm 23 1483mm 180mm 2461 713 4623 5796 1702 96.6kg 112.7kg £828.00
TBK072/073 460mm 24 1546mm 180mm 2568 744 4824 6048 1776 100.8kg 117.6kg £864.00
TBK072/073 460mm 25 1609mm 180mm 2675 775 5025 6300 1850 105.0kg 122.5kg £900.00
TBK072/073 460mm 26 1672mm 180mm 2782 806 5226 6552 1924 109.2kg 127.4kg £936.00
TBK072/073 460mm 27 1735mm 180mm 2889 837 5427 6804 1998 113.4kg 132.3kg £972.00
TBK072/073 460mm 28 1798mm 180mm 2996 868 5628 7056 2072 117.6kg 137.2kg £1008.00
TBK072/073 460mm 29 1861mm 180mm 3103 899 5829 7308 2146 121.8kg 142.1kg £1044.00
TBK072/073 460mm 30 1924mm 180mm 3210 930 6030 7560 2220 126.0kg 147.0kg £1080.00
Model No. Height Sections Width
(inc. bushes)
(from wall)
(ΔT 30°)
(ΔT 30°)
(ΔT 50°)
(ΔT 60°)
(ΔT 60°)
Empty Weight Filled Weight Price From
(in Primer)
Buy Radiator
TBK067/068 665mm 3 223mm 170mm 450 132 867 1098 321 17.1kg 19.8kg £120.00
TBK067/068 665mm 4 286mm 170mm 600 176 1156 1464 428 22.8kg 26.4kg £160.00
TBK067/068 665mm 5 349mm 170mm 750 220 1445 1830 535 28.5kg 33.0kg £200.00
TBK067/068 665mm 6 412mm 170mm 900 264 1734 2196 642 34.2kg 39.6kg £240.00
TBK067/068 665mm 7 475mm 170mm 1050 308 2023 2562 749 39.9kg 46.2kg £280.00
TBK067/068 665mm 8 538mm 170mm 1200 352 2312 2928 856 45.6kg 52.8kg £320.00
TBK067/068 665mm 9 601mm 170mm 1350 396 2601 3294 963 51.3kg 59.4kg £360.00
TBK067/068 665mm 10 664mm 170mm 1500 440 2890 3660 1070 57.0kg 66.0kg £400.00
TBK067/068 665mm 11 727mm 170mm 1650 484 3179 4026 1177 62.7kg 72.6kg £440.00
TBK067/068 665mm 12 790mm 170mm 1800 528 3468 4392 1284 68.4kg 79.2kg £480.00
TBK067/068 665mm 13 853mm 170mm 1950 572 3757 4758 1391 74.1kg 85.8kg £520.00
TBK067/068 665mm 14 916mm 170mm 2100 616 4046 5124 1498 79.8kg 92.4kg £560.00
TBK067/068 665mm 15 979mm 170mm 2250 660 4335 5490 1605 85.5kg 99.0kg £600.00
TBK067/068 665mm 16 1042mm 170mm 2400 704 4624 5856 1712 91.2kg 105.6kg £640.00
TBK067/068 665mm 17 1105mm 170mm 2550 748 4913 6222 1819 96.9kg 112.2kg £680.00
TBK067/068 665mm 18 1168mm 170mm 2700 792 5202 6588 1926 102.6kg 118.8kg £720.00
TBK067/068 665mm 19 1231mm 170mm 2850 836 5491 6954 2033 108.3kg 125.4kg £760.00
TBK067/068 665mm 20 1294mm 170mm 3000 880 5780 7320 2140 114.0kg 132.0kg £800.00
TBK067/068 665mm 21 1357mm 170mm 3150 924 6069 7686 2247 119.7kg 138.6kg £840.00
TBK067/068 665mm 22 1420mm 170mm 3300 968 6358 8052 2354 125.4kg 145.2kg £880.00
TBK067/068 665mm 23 1483mm 170mm 3450 1012 6647 8418 2461 131.1kg 151.8kg £920.00
TBK067/068 665mm 24 1546mm 170mm 3600 1056 6936 8784 2568 136.8kg 158.4kg £960.00
TBK067/068 665mm 25 1609mm 170mm 3750 1100 7225 9150 2675 142.5kg 165.0kg £1000.00
TBK067/068 665mm 26 1672mm 170mm 3900 1144 7514 9516 2782 148.2kg 171.6kg £1040.00
TBK067/068 665mm 27 1735mm 170mm 4050 1188 7803 9882 2889 153.9kg 178.2kg £1080.00
TBK067/068 665mm 28 1798mm 170mm 4200 1232 8092 10248 2996 159.6kg 184.8kg £1120.00
TBK067/068 665mm 29 1861mm 170mm 4350 1276 8381 10614 3103 165.3kg 191.4kg £1160.00
TBK067/068 665mm 30 1924mm 170mm 4500 1320 8670 10980 3210 171.0kg 198.0kg £1200.00
Model No. Height Sections Width
(inc. bushes)
(from wall)
(ΔT 30°)
(ΔT 30°)
(ΔT 50°)
(ΔT 60°)
(ΔT 60°)
Empty Weight Filled Weight Price From
(in Primer)
Buy Radiator
TBK074/075 810mm 3 220mm 180mm 540 159 1050 1329 390 22.1kg 25.6kg £153.00
TBK074/075 810mm 4 282mm 180mm 720 212 1400 1772 520 29.4kg 34.1kg £204.00
TBK074/075 810mm 5 344mm 180mm 900 265 1750 2215 650 36.8kg 42.6kg £255.00
TBK074/075 810mm 6 406mm 180mm 1080 318 2100 2658 780 44.1kg 51.1kg £306.00
TBK074/075 810mm 7 468mm 180mm 1260 371 2450 3101 910 51.5kg 59.6kg £357.00
TBK074/075 810mm 8 530mm 180mm 1440 424 2800 3544 1040 58.8kg 68.2kg £408.00
TBK074/075 810mm 9 592mm 180mm 1620 477 3150 3987 1170 66.2kg 76.7kg £459.00
TBK074/075 810mm 10 654mm 180mm 1800 530 3500 4430 1300 73.5kg 85.2kg £510.00
TBK074/075 810mm 11 716mm 180mm 1980 583 3850 4873 1430 80.9kg 93.7kg £561.00
TBK074/075 810mm 12 778mm 180mm 2160 636 4200 5316 1560 88.2kg 102.2kg £612.00
TBK074/075 810mm 13 840mm 180mm 2340 689 4550 5759 1690 95.6kg 110.8kg £663.00
TBK074/075 810mm 14 902mm 180mm 2520 742 4900 6202 1820 102.9kg 119.3kg £714.00
TBK074/075 810mm 15 964mm 180mm 2700 795 5250 6645 1950 110.3kg 127.8kg £765.00
TBK074/075 810mm 16 1026mm 180mm 2880 848 5600 7088 2080 117.6kg 136.3kg £816.00
TBK074/075 810mm 17 1088mm 180mm 3060 901 5950 7531 2210 125.0kg 144.8kg £867.00
TBK074/075 810mm 18 1150mm 180mm 3240 954 6300 7974 2340 132.3kg 153.4kg £918.00
TBK074/075 810mm 19 1212mm 180mm 3420 1007 6650 8417 2470 139.7kg 161.9kg £969.00
TBK074/075 810mm 20 1274mm 180mm 3600 1060 7000 8860 2600 147.0kg 170.4kg £1020.00
TBK074/075 810mm 21 1336mm 180mm 3780 1113 7350 9303 2730 154.4kg 178.9kg £1071.00
TBK074/075 810mm 22 1398mm 180mm 3960 1166 7700 9746 2860 161.7kg 187.4kg £1122.00
TBK074/075 810mm 23 1460mm 180mm 4140 1219 8050 10189 2990 169.1kg 196.0kg £1173.00
TBK074/075 810mm 24 1522mm 180mm 4320 1272 8400 10632 3120 176.4kg 204.5kg £1224.00
TBK074/075 810mm 25 1584mm 180mm 4500 1325 8750 11075 3250 183.8kg 213.0kg £1275.00
TBK074/075 810mm 26 1646mm 180mm 4680 1378 9100 11518 3380 191.1kg 221.5kg £1326.00
TBK074/075 810mm 27 1708mm 180mm 4860 1431 9450 11961 3510 198.5kg 230.0kg £1377.00
TBK074/075 810mm 28 1770mm 180mm 5040 1484 9800 12404 3640 205.8kg 238.6kg £1428.00
TBK074/075 810mm 29 1832mm 180mm 5220 1537 10150 12847 3770 213.2kg 247.1kg £1479.00
TBK074/075 810mm 30 1894mm 180mm 5400 1590 10500 13290 3900 220.5kg 255.6kg £1530.00

Ask the average person to think of the quintessential cast iron radiator, and what they’ll conjure up in their imagination will be the Rathmell 4 Column. 

First developed during the Edwardian period, the Rathmell embodies the broad swathes of artistic changes that occurred during this period, taking the intricate detailing of the Victorian era and paring it back to create a radiator which features sleek, linear lines and a gently curved top. 

Featuring cast iron feet which are seamlessly incorporated into the body of the radiator, along with a delicately shaped and curved inner arch, the Rathmell 4 Column represents the definitive cast iron radiator design - embodying stylistic flourishes which are truly timeless.

Available in three heights (460mm, 665mm, 810mm) there’s bound to be a Rathmell 4 Column suitable for your home.

Crafted with love in Lincolnshire

Unlike many cast iron radiators on the market, the Rathmell 4 Column is designed and finished right here in the UK.

From our workshop nestled in the Lincolnshire countryside, the Rathmell 4 Column begins its life as a CAD design, creating an incredibly accurate visualisation of the radiator. 

Following this, the Rathmell 4 Column is cast in a high-quality CNC mould to the highest possible tolerances. The casting process has been honed over decades and begins with the smelting of iron ore (known as ilmenite). As the ore breaks down, this releases the iron which is then poured into the cast.

This cast is lovingly recreated from the original castings, creating a cast iron radiator which is exceptionally well formed and true to its Edwardian roots. 

From there it’s time to paint or finish the radiator - and that’s where you come in…

A kaleidoscope of colours

There’s a good reason that the Rathmell 4 Column is found everywhere from stately homes to luxury flats, boutique hotels and elsewhere. 

It’s enormously customisable. 

In terms of colours alone, the Rathmell 4 Column can be painted in any one of over 10,000 colours

When we say painted, we mean the very best paint too. At Trads we’ve teamed up with some of the world’s leading-paint producers such as Little Greene, Roberson’s Liquid Metal, Farrow & Ball and Cromadex. 

You can also select from our range of Trads Traditional Colours, or even have your Rathmell 4 Colour matched to a colour of your choice using our RAL colour range.

At Trads we go beyond colours too. The Rathmell 4 Column is available in a range of beautiful finishes including patina finishes, hand burnished, satin polish, highlight polish and more. 

The guarantee of a lifetime

Before any Rathmell 4 Column leaves our workshop, it goes through a 60 step quality assurance process adhering to ISO 9001, with our master craftsmen also carefully visually inspecting every radiator. 

Each and every Rathmell 4 Column cast iron radiator goes through in-depth pressure testing too, to ensure it will provide a lifetime of service. 

To top everything off, every Rathmell 4 Column radiator comes with a lifetime guarantee

Trads: the home of cast iron radiators UK

There’s no better place to buy a cast iron radiator than Trads. If you have any questions about the Rathmell 4 Column, then the Trads team is more than happy to help.

You can reach them on 01400 263320 or at: {{BusinessEmail}}